Black Lashes Matter Limited Edition Kit

$65.00 $80.00

Are you all about your LASHES? Are you all about supporting black businesses? Not only that...but are you a lash tech? Do you own a lash line? Are you obsessed about your lashes? We at Str8beatnochasa would like to sincerely thank you for your continuous support during this pandemic and through these most TRYING times of educating the world on the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement! We have a voice and It will be heard! So with that being said...KISS OUR BLACK LASH! Dont miss out on this limited release!

Kit Includes:

  • Limited Edition BLM box
  • Limited Edition T-shirt
  • Str8edge Control Headwrap
  • 2 pair of surprise lashes 
  • Tweezers
  • Socks (will be either red, yellow, white or green)

the “sets” come with actual matching socks 

**comes with either a white, yellow, red or green sock

Biker shorts are available separately on